The Snagging Checklist: Your Guide to a Thorough Snagging Inspection

When you’re on the brink of acquiring a new build property, conducting a thorough snagging inspection is crucial. This process helps identify any minor issues or ‘snags’ that need addressing before you move in. A well-structured snagging checklist is your best ally in ensuring nothing is overlooked.

Creating Your Snagging Checklist

A comprehensive snagging checklist is the backbone of an effective inspection. It should cover all areas of your new home, from the integrity of structures and finishes to the functionality of systems. This checklist serves as a detailed guide to scrutinise every aspect of the property.

Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Snagging Inspection

  1. Exterior Evaluation: Begin with the property’s exterior, checking for issues in brickwork, roofing, and drainage.
  2. Interior Inspection: Inside, assess walls, floors, ceilings, windows, and doors for any defects.
  3. System Checks: Ensure that electrical, heating, and plumbing systems are working correctly.
  4. Finishing Touches: Look at the quality of finishes in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas.

Remember, this is a meticulous process, so take your time to examine every detail.

Common Issues to Look Out For

During a snagging inspection, several common issues can arise, which your checklist should help you identify. These include

Identifying these issues during your snagging inspection is crucial for ensuring that your new home is up to the standard you expect. Remember, addressing these snags early can save time, money, and inconvenience in the future.

Logging Snags and Reporting Issues

For homeowners, efficiently logging snags and reporting them is crucial for ensuring that issues are resolved promptly and effectively. Here are some steps to follow: