A FREE 3rd Grade Pacing Guide for ELA!

A FREE pacing guide for third grade ELA!

Creating a year-long plan for when and where you will teach your standards is crucial.

I took out all the hard work for you! I developed the order in which I teach reading and language throughout the third-grade year.

In this plan, you will find the reading standards, language standards, writing standards, and themes for the week, plus resource links!

A FREE pacing guide for third grade ELA!

How do you decide which order to teach?

When I look at my whole year I follow this order:

  1. I add review weeks. I schedule these weeks around holidays. This way I can plan fun holiday or themed curriculum without feeling like I am forgetting a standard. I review ALL of the different standards during these weeks.
  2. I look at the novels I want to read whole class throughout the year. I do not schedule any novels in the first two quarters and save them all for the end half of the year. I typically schedule 3 novels each year. If the class ends up being very low I may forget a novel week and replace it for a review week, but if they are super high I may put two standard weeks together and focus on another novel.
  3. Then, I go through and place my skills/standards in order that I have seen students understand best. I focus anything they NEED for testing before the actual test dates and move from there. I like to do a scaffolded approach so we focus on the easiest and then move to the hardest. I also make sure that I am only focusing on teaching a new skill once a week.

Do you follow this no matter what?

Nope!! This is a rough outline! You can’t make a 100% plan until you really know your students for that year. So, typically I will take this plan and keep it next to me when I am planning for the week. If the students show proficiency on what we did the last week then I will go with my scope, but if they didn’t I may need to move around things. I can always take out or add a novel week depending on the class that year.

What do you do with this pacing guide?

I keep it printed in my lesson planner and I put it on the desktop of my computer. When I sit down to plan, I pull out my scope and sequence to see what I need to teach for the next week. I can write on this if I need to move things and check them off when my students show proficiency. This way I always know that I taught each standard and can prove it if needed.

Then, I use the one on my computer desktop so that I can click on links to resources, blog posts, etc.

I hope that this scope can help you create your own! Please comment below with any questions you have!