The following story was submitted by Frank Sikorski, a Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) client who was laid off from his job at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. He describes how Apple Health supported his family and offered comfort in their time of need.
I have always been well employed and never had trouble finding a job. All of that came crashing down in February of 2020 when I was suddenly laid off. Anyone who’s experienced a layoff knows the terror and worry you’re suddenly slapped in the face with. Combine this with having a family that depends on you, and I soon found it hard to sleep through the night from all the stress and worry.
Since I had medical coverage remaining for the month of February, I made an appointment with my doctor to get a physical and renew my prescriptions. During the physical I shared with my doctor that I lost my job. It was the beginning of a tremendous turning point in this worrisome scenario. My doctor referred me to the accounting office to discuss health coverage options. The representative told me about Washington Healthplanfinder, provided me with web addresses and phone numbers, and assured me I had options for health coverage.
A Washington Healthplanfinder customer support representative helped me apply for Washington Apple Health coverage over the phone in a few moments, I was told the news. “Okay Frank, you and your family are approved for [health] coverage.” The number one biggest worry I had over the job loss had just been resolved, giving me renewed hope, inspiration, and a mood boost to stay positive about finding a new job.
I cannot emphasize this enough… Apple Health was absolutely a key player in getting me back on the right track to finding a job and getting my life back in order. They filled a huge void over my concern of how to medically cover my family during this very tough time. Apple Health was there when I most needed them and I will be forever grateful for their help.
To learn more about free or low-cost coverage and see if you’re eligible visit Washington Healthplanfinder.
We’re offering a $50 gift card if we use your story! We want to share your story to inspire others who don’t have health insurance to sign up for free or low-cost health coverage.
If you would like to share your story email us a summary of how Apple Health has made a difference in your life. Include your full name and contact info. We will follow up with you for an interview.
Thanks for helping us reach others who can benefit from Washington Apple Health!