Paid Sick Leave (PSL)
In addition to California’s mandatory PSL law, employers should review local ordinances that might also provide paid sick leave benefits to your workforce. This discussion is limited to covering the detailed requirements of the state PSL law and does not provide specific details on the local ordinances.
- Visit HRCalifornia’s Local Ordinances section for detailed information on local employment-related ordinances in California, including paid sick leave ordinances.
- Employees Entitled to the Benefit Employees Entitled to the Benefit
All employees who, on or after July 1, 2015, have worked in California for the same employer for 30 or more days within a year from the beginning of employment are entitled to PSL. There are only limited exceptions.
- Read about a new law for 2024.
- Calculating Leave - Employer Options Calculating Leave - Employer Options
The amount of sick leave an employee can earn and/or carry over will vary depending on how the employer decides to handle the provision of leave.
- Read about a new law for 2024.