Private contract for adult foster care

A Vault account lets you save favorite pages, do activities and store files on HB101, DB101, and the Hub. validate.requireSpecialChar Confirm Password: validate.equalTo Organization: I'm a housing professional and need Vault Pro tools. Help

Pro Interface

With the MN Housing Professional role, professionals who support clients get advanced management of their files and contacts in the Vault. This makes the Vault interface more complex.

Once you get the MN Housing Professional role, you cannot go back to the regular Vault interface. If you do not ask for the MN Housing Professional role during registration, you can get it later by updating your account Profile information. Watch this video to learn more.

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Current roles: You have no roles assigned. Roles you can request: Supervisor Name: validate.required Supervisor Email:

We will contact your supervisor to confirm that you are authorized to have this role. You or your supervisor must tell us if you should no longer have this role.

Reason for request: There are no requestable roles available.
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