Transition Planning for High School Students with Disabilities

Are you thinking about attending college? Learn about how to transition to college.

View this complete guide for helpful information regarding the transition from K-12 to College. PDF: Transition to Post-secondary Education

On this page:

Creating an effective transition plan

While students are in high school, they should work with teachers or a transition specialist to help plan the transition to college.

The transition from high school to college can be a complex time filled with growth opportunities for students and their parents. Changes include:

Legal differences between secondary and postsecondary education


Secondary education

Postsecondary education

Information in above table provided by Oregon State University's Disability Access Services, and is available in PDF form:

Recommendations for success

Planning Ahead: Disability Verification

CAR’s application requires verification of disabilities. Disability documentation must be recent and verify the nature and extent of the disability and clearly show the need for each of your requested accommodations. Individual Educational Plans, while helpful, are not sufficient disability verification. While still in high school, plan ahead and request that your school give you updated evaluations or diagnostic testing with adult norms before you leave.

Communication and self-advocacy

Online resources for transitioning to college